We haven't had much to post lately, but I did have these few cute pics of Cooper. Above he's wearing Dad's hat while playing hide and seek in our pantry. January is a month we get to just hang out at home more than usual I guess.
This last weekend we enjoyed Janie and Bruce spending Friday night with us and then a session at the Twin Falls Temple on Saturday morning. We got to go twice this last week, since we did a ward assignment on Tuesday. We love having a temple so close- it's still a neat novelty to see it when we go into town at night. Cooper loved every minute of Taron and Keaton being with us, he always does.

I took these few pics of Coop playing in our front window just after some new snow had fallen. The lighting was awful in the one above and I could only photshop it so much, but thought it was worthy of posting anyway. Below is a better one- so proud of himself for standing so precariously. :)