Monday, August 29, 2011

Assessing 30

Remember this post at the beginning of the year
where I had picked 30 things to try and accomplish
before I turned 30 this Fall?
Well, in just one more week- my twenties are a thing of the past...
I've been thinking for awhile now about
just how I've done crossing off my checklist of
30 rather simple tasks. Nine months- no sweat right?

 1. Sleep through a night
 2. Go on an overnight getaway with Stephen (see #1)  Well, kinda at least
 3. Sew curtains for the front room
 4. Sew a backpack for Coop, a skirt, an apron...Just sew more!
 5. Become coupon savvy I don't always take the time to coupon well, but at least I know how to do it now!
 6. Start and grow a design business on the side
 7. Make and store strawberry freezer jam
 8. Get a new family photo taken
 9. Fill a ward temple assignment
10. Plant a garden Didn't get to do the harvesting, but at least I did the planting!
11. Get new carpet! (this ones a stretch...)
12. Make carrot cake from scratch
13. Ride with Cooper on his own bike to the park
14. Host a backyard BBQ
15. Master homemade whole wheat bread

16. Pay for the person behind me in a drive-thru
17. Particpate in Time Out for Women Crossing this one off because my sisters, Mom and I are headed to Logan in just another couple weeks!
18. Take family photos for someone else
19. Go to a hockey game
20. Watch fireworks

All in all, I checked 19 of 30 off the list...

Strawberry jam? Not while I'm also trying to move!
And while my design venture was a great hope, it wasn't a great reality.
I did take on newspaper correspondence for a time, so that was a fun sideline instead.

And a hockey game? Why was that  important enough to add? Not sure now actually!
Curtains? Nope... probably a good thing in the long run!

The bottom line?
I guess it's just that there will always be
 "30 Things" type of lists in my life. There will, for better or worse,
always be those hopes that don't get crossed off or 
those earmarks that I look back on and
realize weren't important anyway. 

I think that what I'd be most satisfied with
isn't making and checking off lists,
but being sincerely ok with lists left incomplete.

Does that make sense?
In my next 30 years,
I hope I'll be able to figure our how to be satisfied
both with what does and doesn't get accomplished.

Later on I'll post a few more of my thoughts for those next 30 years too!


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