Thursday, October 13, 2011

Random Little Pumpkin Family

So recently Cooper was cutting a piece of cardstock in random little pieces.
He had picked these cute little pumpkins out at the store and
was frothing at the bit to decorate them in the process too.
I wasn't actually really in the mood
to take on the pumpkin decorating project at the time...
but, I did get looking at the little pieces he was accumulating...

... and decided they could quickly become faces for his precious pumpkins!
He had some ideas that he wanted (like arms and a bowtie and Dad's spiky hair)
that he didn't have the pieces for and I cut them out as he asked.
Ya, I quickly got in the mood seeing him do this pretty much ALL on his own!
I thought his little touches for creating each person in our family were super thoughtful!

So here we are, adorning our dining area windowsill with no rotting involved!
I'd say his most self-directed project yet!


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