Even though I usually save our blog for things relative to our family and kids, I happened upon a new blog and pulled a quote from it that I really liked and wanted to share…
"When situations arise that tip our scales, we may feel that we've failed. Well... we have. We've failed to take into consideration that in order to have balance, we have to give some things up or let some things go. Balance doesn't mean juggling every ball overhead all at once while teetering on the brink of sanity. Balance means "good enough." -Sugar Jones
This just sits so well with me! I feel like I’m so often feeling that way… wishing I could really embrace the sense that things were “good enough,” that I myself was “good enough.” I also wish that when I did hear things like this, I really let them sink in. I hope I really can become more like this as this week goes on, this year, my whole life…
My kitchen floor needs mopped and it's okay, because we really enjoyed some overdue time with friends last night. There is forever laundry needing folded and put away somewhere in the house, but it's okay, because my little boy knows that when he brings me a book to read or a handful of tractors to play, I
will stop and make him my priority... Great thoughts to bring the concept more full circle are
here. Hope you and I both will feel “good enough” at least for today :)