Things have been rather rapid fire in our world lately- our time is filled with some really big milestones all crammed together. My youngest sister, Cyndel, graduated from high school, Cooper turned two on Saturday and my brother, Conner, is coming home from his mission tomorrow!

We were so proud to go and support Cyndel as she graduated from high school last week- she was one of only two kids in her class to have high honors. I could hardly keep the tears out of my eyes as I took in how grown up she seems! I remember so clearly when she was born, I remember getting her out her crib in the mornings and her soft kissable cheeks, I remember riding my Mom's bike with her in the bike seat, I remember watching her and Conner play in the ditch together, I remember her baptism... so many childhood things that seemed far away as she graduated. We are so proud of you Cyndel- you deserve and are capable of anything you want in this life!

As for Conner coming home, I could hardly sleep last night thinking about it and tonight will no doubt be the same. Gosh, we miss him! It seems like it's been a long time somehow. While I am excited to see him myself, I'm more anxious for him to meet Cooper. I will be ready with the camera at that moment for sure (and tears streaming then too no doubt- it's just who I am these days :) Kinda funny that I was pregnant when Conner left and am pregnant now- hopefully he can still remember what I really look like! More to come on our day with Conner later this week :)
Ya know, I truly feel like both Conner and Cyndel are a cut above in this world. They are what it means when we hear "saved for the last days." I'm so excited for what they will make of thier lives- I know there are amazing things in store for them both and that they so much deserve to be happy. They are already role models for my own kids and I am looking forward to great memories to come!