Cooper couldn't get enough of the snakes and frogs and such- funny how he's leaning clear across the barrier!

Ry so cute at the glass!

And of all the things at the zoo Coop loved this dinky little pond with a few orange fish in it! He wanted to go back to it several times.
I thought the baby elephant was so sweet! It's neat to watch how the mama takes care of her.

A little pitstop on the caurosel:

At the very end on the train with Mom- at this point we were so hot and ready to go. Couldn't be much clearer on the boy's faces eh? :)

And of all the things at the zoo Coop loved this dinky little pond with a few orange fish in it! He wanted to go back to it several times.

I thought the baby elephant was so sweet! It's neat to watch how the mama takes care of her.

A little pitstop on the caurosel:

At the very end on the train with Mom- at this point we were so hot and ready to go. Couldn't be much clearer on the boy's faces eh? :)